1. Project OTP 64 1.1. Directory OTP 64 will use following dirctorys: Project\otp64 lib src_code (share with flash 512 project) 1.2. filesystem Use src_code\FileSys\htmfiles3.c as root filesystem. Modify this file to add or remove web page. 1.3. Before first build Before first build, please run src_code\HtmSrcPage\cod2c.bat to convert web pages to c source file. It will overwrite those same filename files in flash 512 projec. 2. Project Flash 512 2.1. Directory Flash 512 will use following dirctorys: Project\flash512 lib src_code (share with OTP 64 project) src_code_flash (Only for flash 512 project) 2.2. filesystem Use src_code\FileSys\htmfiles3.c and src_code_flash\FileSys\htmfiles#.c (# = 0,1,2,4,5,6,7) as root filesystem. Modify this file to add or remove web page. 2.3. Before first build Before first build, please run src_code_flash\HtmSrcPage\cod2c.bat to convert web pages to c source file. It overwrite those same filename files in OTP 64 projec. 3. Project FirmwareUpdate This is only for Flash 512 project to do firmware update. Output image of this project will be merged in to Project\flash512\exe\NETUART.BIN offset 0x8000 to 0xFFFF. So, the max supported firmwareUpdate image is 32K bytes.